
2007年9月21日—Thefontnameiscall“KFHimaji”.Thisfontismulti-talented,becauseyoucantypealphabets,punctuation,Hiragana,KatakanaandevenKanjiandmanymore.,KFHimaji(KFひま字)isacute,handwritingstyleJapanesefontsthatyoucanuse.Itsupportswiderangeofcharacters:Hiragana,Katakana,Romaji, ...,ThissiteaimstohelpyoudownloadhighqualityJapanesefontsthatsupportshiragana,katakana,kanjicharacterswhichnormallyhardto...

Cute Japanese font for download

2007年9月21日 — The font name is call “KFHimaji”. This font is multi-talented, because you can type alphabets, punctuation, Hiragana, Katakana and even Kanji and many more.

KF Himaji

KF Himaji (KFひま字) is a cute, handwriting style Japanese fonts that you can use. It supports wide range of characters: Hiragana, Katakana, Romaji, ...


This site aims to help you download high quality Japanese fonts that supports hiragana, katakana, kanji characters which normally hard to find.

KFhimaji RegularVersion 1.0

KFhimaji RegularVersion 1.0. 字體家族: KFhimaji. 授權方式: 商用须授权. 檔案格式: TTF. 字體風格: Regular. 嵌入授權: 安装嵌入. 文件大小: 2M. 字體下載 購買 ...

KFhimaji RegularVersion 1.00 February 2, 2014, initial ...

Method 1: copy or drag the font file to the folder C:-Windows-Fonts. Method 2: in Windows 7 and later versions, right-click the font file and click Install ...

KFhimaji Version 1.00 February 2, 2014, initial release ...

2014年10月5日 — Font family: KFhimaji ; Font style: Regular ; Font version: Version 1.00 February 2, 2014, initial release ; Typeface type: Uncategorized.




KFひま字KFhimaji下載 ... 1、只有標識為免費可商用的字體方可免費商用,其他的字體僅供個人試用,如果用於商業用途請聯系版權方購買授權。

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